Yep, I really love to sing. Tapi kalau dipikir-pikir saya ini tidak punya favorit atau mengkhususkan salah satu genre yang saya anut. Menurut saya bukan plin-plan sih, tapi lebih ke saya ini tipe orang yang relatif moderat. Saya punya prinsip, tapi saya dengan lapang dada akan memperbaiki prinsip saya kalau dirasa ada yang salah selama ini. (pembelaan :p)
Naah, kalau masalah lagu atau genre musik biasanya sih ada beberapa kriteria yang bikin saya suka sama sebuah lagu:
Pertama, bisa karena musiknya itu easy listening. Contohnya lagu Call Me Maybe-nya Carly Rae Jepsen atau kalau dalam negri mungkin lagu Tentang Kita yang di-remake sama RAN. It's just feel like fun to hear the melody :D
Kedua, saya mungkin suka sama suatu lagu karna isi liriknya. Kalau ini suka sering telat nyadar. Hahaha
Kadang-kadang denger lagu lama di suatu tempat, trus dengerin isi liriknya secara seksama dan baru merasa kalau isinya bagus. Entah itu menyentuh hati (berkaitan dengan moral), atau biasanya yang lebi sering sih mungkin lagunya romantis. hahahaha. Contoh lagunya Marry Your Daughter-nya Brian Mc Knight atau My Mum Is Amazing-nya Zain Bikha.
Ketiga, mungkin karena liriknya jenaka. Jadi gampang diingat dan bikin ketawa ketiwi aja kalo denger lagunya. Whatever the genre. Nggak percaya? Saya suka aja denger lagu Cari Jodoh-nya Wali dan yang terbaru adalah lagu Astuti-nya si Agung Hercules. Ada juga lagu kalau tidak salah Mbali Ndeso nya Benyamin Sueb yang suka dinyanyikan Parto di Opera Van Java. Sekarang percaya? :p
Keempat, sesuai dengan suasana yang ingin diciptakan untuk mendukung kegiatan atau suasana yang sedang dialami. Kalo pengen ngantuk atau nyantai, biasanya dengerin yang agak ngejazz seperti Maliq 'N D'Essential atau Michael Buble. Kemaren dengerin lagu-lagu dengan musik keroncong khas betawi dalam busway pagi-pagi saat berangkat ke kantor, enak juga ternyata :))
Kelima, tergantung suasana hati yang sedang dialami. Tidak terbatas sedang senang, khawatir, kangen, atau sedih. Sayangnya biasanya yang paling sering karena sedang galau. Hahaha
Biasanya bikin tambah galau siih. Bukan bermaksud untuk maratap atau larut dalam suasana itu, kemudian menyesal, cuma sometimes you need to take time to realize on what situation you are, so that you can move. Karena tidak ingin merasa mengasihani diri sendiri dan merasa rugi jika tidak segera bangkit.
And this is it, my playlist of the weeks: End of May-nya Michael Buble
Golden haze,
Another morning feels like yesterday.
End of may..
Now you're gone and there's still bills to pay.
And you know it doesn't help to make believe, you're sitting next to me.
It doesn't help, to make believe that you are right behind me
Saying it's okay.
Longer days,
More time to sit and watch the pendulum sway.
In quiet rage I'm staring at this empty notebook page.
In times like these you feel like you are done with feeling,
You feel you want to stop the pain from healing
Because you feel like you're the only one,
Who's ever felt this way.
Some days in a daze, there's brighter days.
Funny how the feeling never stays,
But I know I'll have to come to terms when I'm awake,
Thinking about you is the icing on the cake.
Makes me realize the fact you're gone for good for goodness sake.
Golden haze, another morning feels like yesterday.
End of may, a year is gone and I still feel this way,
When we meet again, I'll ask you how you're doing
And you'll say fine and ask me how I'm doing
And then I'll lie and I'll say ordinary, It's just an ordinary day.
It's just an ordinary day
Another morning feels like yesterday.
End of may..
Now you're gone and there's still bills to pay.
And you know it doesn't help to make believe, you're sitting next to me.
It doesn't help, to make believe that you are right behind me
Saying it's okay.
Longer days,
More time to sit and watch the pendulum sway.
In quiet rage I'm staring at this empty notebook page.
In times like these you feel like you are done with feeling,
You feel you want to stop the pain from healing
Because you feel like you're the only one,
Who's ever felt this way.
Some days in a daze, there's brighter days.
Funny how the feeling never stays,
But I know I'll have to come to terms when I'm awake,
Thinking about you is the icing on the cake.
Makes me realize the fact you're gone for good for goodness sake.
Golden haze, another morning feels like yesterday.
End of may, a year is gone and I still feel this way,
When we meet again, I'll ask you how you're doing
And you'll say fine and ask me how I'm doing
And then I'll lie and I'll say ordinary, It's just an ordinary day.
It's just an ordinary day
I really love the last part. Simple tapi mengena:
"...When we meet again, I'll ask you how you're doing.
And you'll say fine and ask me how you're doing.
And then I'll lie and I'll say ordinary, It's just and ordinary day... "
Dangdut, Fi :p
BalasHapusRidho Rhoma doooooooooooooooooooooooong!
Kenapa dirimu jadi ikut2an naksir lagu Marry Your Daughter...
Romantisss Mbaak lagunya :p